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Should I see a doctor straight after an accident?

Stethoscope on appointment book - Image by Darko Stojanovic from PixabayFollowing an accident, it may be difficult to tell what level of medical attention you require. If you’re in enough pain and discomfort it can be obvious that immediate emergency attention is required, but other times the injury may seem trivial at first or even non-existent, and you may feel it’s not worth the hassle of a doctor’s visit. This can be especially true when doctors surgeries are so busy and wait times are extended beyond the usual.

However, if you plan to make a personal injury claim or decide that you want to do so a little later down the line, it would be extremely beneficial if you had visited your doctor as soon as possible after the accident - ideally within the first 24 to 48 hours.

If you put off medical attention there is a risk that your injuries could progress, even if nothing appeared to be serious at the time of the accident. It’s surprising how much shock and adrenaline can mask the pain of an injury, and once that initial shock and adrenaline wears off the pain may gradually increase.

There are also plenty of injuries that can gradually worsen with time if they aren’t medically treated correctly.

Why it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible

When it comes to filing a personal injury claim, whether soon after the accident or later down the line, if there is no evidence of a doctors visit in the early stages after the accident, an insurance company could argue that the delay in seeking treatment is evidence that the injury was not as bad as it being made out or that it was not necessarily caused by the accident. They could argue that you’re simply fabricating or exaggerating the injuries you suffered, or they may suggest they were potentially pre-existing before the accident occurred.

This could very easily lead to the claimant being held partially responsible for any incurred medical expenses or other losses.

Put simply, seeking prompt medical diagnosis and treatment after an accident is essential to protect both your health and legal rights so that you can fairly seek any personal injury compensation that you may be rightly entitled to.

Read: Learn legal jargon for personal injury claims

Try to seek medical attention within the first 48 hours

The majority of insurance companies will consider 48 hours after an accident to be a reasonable amount of time for a claimant to seek medical treatment. With waiting times often making it very difficult to be seen within even this time frame, that makes it all the more important to seek a diagnosis as soon as possible - ideally this would be on the very same day the accident took place.

The key is to simply get the ball rolling early so that all of this can be included in your claim and taken into consideration. This will make it easier for your legal representatives to link your injuries to the accident so that the liability can lay with whoever was responsible and provide less opportunities for the claim to be disputed.

Read: The importance of quickly seeking personal injury legal advice

Claiming if injuries weren’t obvious at first

There are many types of injuries that can remain unnoticed for several days or even weeks. Examples could include soft tissue damage and brain trauma, whereby symptoms can remain latent for some time.

Provided you haven’t signed a release from an insurance company to receive a speedy settlement, you may still be in a position to claim compensation for medical bills and other incurred costs or loss of income.

As soon as you notice signs or symptoms of any form of injury, visit your doctor to obtain a professional diagnosis. When you feel well enough you can contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your case and see how it would be best to move things forwards with regards to making a claim.

If you’re looking to claim compensation for a personal injury caused by an accident that was someone else’s fault, get in touch for expert legal advice by contacting our legal team here at Fonseca Law. We’re here to help you fight for the compensation that you deserve. To discuss your case in detail simply call 01495 303124, e-mail or complete our online contact form.