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Dragon Sausages, Labelling and Product Liability

Much to my alarm, I recently discovered that you can buy Welsh Dragon Sausages. Much to my relief, however, I learned that they do not in fact contain dragon meat, but are made from pork instead, so I can rest easy!

A few years ago, Black Mountains Smokery was warned by Powys council’s trading standards department that they must include “pork” in the name of the sausages to meet labelling regulations. Company boss Jon Carthew called this “bureaucracy gone mad”. The ingredients – pork, leek and chilli - were listed on the label, but the company had to change the name to “Smoked Welsh Dragon pork sausage”.

Although labelling might sometimes go over the top, proper labelling is very important. We’ve all heard stories about strange labels such as Peanut bags with “May contain nuts” on them. But in the UK, there are around 10 deaths each year from food allergies, plus many more instances of severe reactions due to allergies and intolerances. Manufacturers need to take seriously their responsibility to label their products correctly and inform you of any risks.

You have a right to be properly warned about any dangers a product might present, and under the 1987 Consumer Act, manufacturers and suppliers are responsible for personal injuries resulting from faulty or hazardous items. One of the types of product liability claim is on the basis of failure to warn - if an injury occurs because there wasn’t enough warning on the product.

If you or someone close to you has suffered a personal injury because of a product that wasn’t properly labelled or didn’t come with adequate warnings, you can make a product liability compensation claim. To make a product liability claim, fill out our online claim form or call us now on 01495 303124.

Dragon sausages and nuts aside, if you’ve suffered an injury, it’s no laughing matter – we’re here to help.